Monday, July 22, 2013

Balsamic Mango Chicken

Summer times means great fresh, fruit! Being a fruit lover, I try to utilize every one of them before their season is over.

Tonights menu consisted of mangos because while grocery shopping, my roommate was ooing and ahhing over how cute the little containers are that they come in. So, therefore, I HAD to get it so that she could keep the container.

Once I got home, I threw the glaze together in no time at all, and was eating in less than an hour. There are only a few single ingredients, thus making it an easy meal to put together.

Ingredients (serves 1):
- Skinless, boneless chicken (I use the frozen ones from Trader Joes)
- 1/4 piece of a mango
- 1 garlic clove
- 1/8 cup of balsamic vinegar 
- 1 spoonful of honey
- Lemon juice
- Fresh cilantro

- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
- Use a small mixing bowl
- Chop the mango into small pieces and place in bowl
- Add the 1/8 cup balsamic vinegar to the bowl
- Finely chop the garlic clove and also add to bowl
- Also, finely chop the cilantro (as much or as little as you want) and add to the mixing bowl
- Squirt in the lemon juice to the bowl
- FINALLY mix everything together 

-Next, in a small glass dish, layer with foil and spray with cooking spray
- Place the piece of chicken in the dish, and cover with the glaze
- Lastyl, drizzle the honey over the chicken
- Place in the oven for 40 minutes


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